Saturday, December 11, 2010

Worse Than War

While watching some YouTube – vids on my iPod yesterday evening, I remarked a documentary named ‘Worse Than War’. It’s a documentary made by Daniël Goldhagen, an American politicologist who is known for his studies about genocide, more specific the Holocaust during world war II. In the documentary he searches answers to question such as ‘Why?’, ‘What for?’, ‘How?’,.. He visits Ukraine, Rwanda, Guatemala, Serbia, Berlin and other places where large-scale mass murders took place that took the lives of thousands, hundred thousands or even millions of people.

"By the most fundamental measure -- the number of people killed -- the perpetrators of mass murder since the beginning of the twentieth century have taken the lives of more people than have died in military conflict. So genocide is worse than war." - Daniël Goldhagen

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